Ajker Patrika

ক্যাডেট কলেজে ভর্তি পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি: ইংরেজি

ক্যাডেট কলেজে ভর্তি পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি: ইংরেজি

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions.  
Now I am in class six. My handwriting is much better now. But my drawing skill is not good enough. But I learned from my childhood that, if I practice, I can improve anything. Now I’m practicing drawing a lot. My drawing teacher encourages me to draw more. My drawing skill is becoming better day by day. I want to become an artist.
When I will become a painter, I will decorate my room with my painting. I am also fond of doing sketches. I will draw a picture of my parents and hang that in my room. I will also draw pictures of my favorite teachers and present these to them. But I’m not good at sketching people. I am sure that my sketching skills will improve if I keep practicing. When I will be good enough at sketching, I will fulfill my wishes. I also love to draw pictures of nature. Today, the sky is cloudy. It may rain today. If I can capture the scene in my drawing, it will be interesting. 
1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 
(a) Medha used the notebook for—
(i) painting (ii) sketching  
(iii) writing (iv) drawing
(b) But I’m not good at sketching people. Here ‘good at’ refers to—
(i) popular(ii) expert 
(iii) clever(iv) unskilled
(c) The notebook reminded Medha of her—.
(i) childhood (ii) infancy 
(iii) adolescence  
(iv) girlhood
(d) Medha’s handwriting became___after a few years practice. 
(i) better    (ii) well 
(iii) worse (iv) rough
(e) Medha will decorate her room with her—.
(i) picture   (ii) writing  
(iii) photos (iv) painting
2. Write the synonyms and antonyms of the following words. (2×5=10)
(a) encourage
(b) decorate
(c) present
(d) cloudy
(e) interesting
3. Answer the following questions. (2×5=10) 
(a) In which class was Medha then when she found the notebook? 
(b) When did medha’s handwriting become good? 
(c) What does medha’s drawing teacher do? 
(d) What is Medha fond of? 
(e) What else does Medha love? 
4. Write the meaning of the below words and make sentences. (2×5=10)
(a) Gardener (b) Deeds
(c) Solve (d) Friendly 
(e) Courageous  
5. Transform the following sentences as directed. (1×5 =5)
(a) Only he can do it. (negative)
(b) I saw a cute baby. (complex)
(c) Do or die. (simple)
(d) He does not run after money. (Interrogative)
(e) If I could visit this sea-beach (assertive)
6. Rewrite the following passage using capitalization and punctuation. (10)
Everyday we talk to many people some of them are very close like our friends and family we have an informal relationship with them Also, some of them are not so close to us (e.g., our Head Teacher) and some of them could be our new acquaintances we have a formal relationship with them.
1. (a) writing (b) expert 
   (c) childhood (d) better 
   (e) painting 
2. Synonyms-Antonyms: 
a. inspire-discourage 
b. beautify-disfigure 
c. offer-refuse, reject 
d. gloomy-sunny, 
e. fascinating, boring 
3. Q/A: 
(a) Medha was then in class six when she found the notebook.
(b) Medha’s handwriting became good after a few years of practice.
(c) Medha’s drawing teacher encourages her to draw more.
(d) Medha is fond of doing sketches.
(e) Medha loves to draw pictures of nature too. 
4. Word-meaning and sentences: 
(a) মালি: The gardener mows the grass regularly.
(b) কাজ: Man should be judged by his deeds.
(c) সমাধান করা: He can solve the problem.
(d) বন্ধুভাবাপন্ন: He is very friendly with his colleagues.
(e) সাহসী: I want to be courageous like Bangabandhu. 
5. Transformation of sentences: 
(a) None but he can do it.
(b) I saw a baby, who was cute.
(c) Without doing, you will die.
(d) Does he run after money?
(e) I wish, I could visit this sea-beach. 
6. Capitalization and punctuation: Everyday we 
talk to many people. Some 
of them are very close like our friends and family. We have an informal relationship with them. Also, some of them are not so close to us (e.g., our Head Teacher) and some of them could be our new acquaintances. We 
have a formal relationship with them.
লুৎফা বেগম, সাবেক সিনিয়র শিক্ষক, বিএএফ শাহীন কলেজ, কুর্মিটোলা, ঢাকা

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